Refund Guarantee

We are proud to offer a 100% Refund Guarantee at K1 Only to all our clients. The way it works is quite simple, and there is no fine print to worry about; there are currently three different categories that apply to our refund policy, so please read more about these below:

  • Any client whose K1 visa application (I-129F) is flatly rejected by USCIS will be completely refunded, no questions asked. If your case receives a RFE (Request For Evidence) this is not a rejection, however, and our team will gladly work with you to prepare more evidence until the USCIS accepts your case application (“NOA2”). Keep in mind that rejections are extremely rare, but if it does happen to you, at least you won’t have lost any money from paying for our assistance services.
  • Any client that we feel cannot be helped to the best of our ability will be completely refunded, depending on our own judgement. This is a broad category meant to encompass various possibilities, including extremely complex cases, situations that we feel should involve an attorney, or clients that we aren’t able to communicate properly with due to language (etc).
  • At our own judgement, we may choose to completely refund clients for other reasons than the two categories mentioned above, depending solely on our own judgement. Keep in mind that such special circumstances are considered only at our own discretion, and can’t be demanded; more options exist if our team has not begun work on your case yet.

Thankfully, we’ve been blessed to work with very awesome clients over the past few years, so normally we never have to discuss refunds. But as a disclaimer, please note that we will defend ourselves aggressively against credit card chargebacks or other similar actions that go against our Terms Of Service.

If any questions, please contact our team anytime.

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